
How to strikethrough text word review
How to strikethrough text word review

how to strikethrough text word review

To see additions and deletions, they must tap at the top of the screen. If you send your document to someone else and they open it in Pages on their iPhone or iPad, the document opens in Final View (with change tracking hidden). Click the Text Size pop-up menu, then choose a size. To change the size of the text in the sidebar and in comments, choose Pages > Preferences (from the Pages menu at the top of your screen), then click General at the top of the window. To widen or narrow the sidebar, drag its right edge. If you don’t see a line, make sure no sidebar item is selected. To see a specific comment or change, move your pointer over it in the document the sidebar scrolls to show the content, and a line appears connecting the change with its corresponding entry in the sidebar. To make changes appear in the sidebar, change the filter to include your changes, or click Show All at the top of the sidebar. If you filter changes by author so that your changes aren’t visible in the sidebar, then you make changes, your changes appear in the document but not in the sidebar. If you choose Sort by Document from the View Options menu, the sidebar scrolls as you scroll the document. To change what’s shown in the sidebar, click View Options at the top of the sidebar to sort by page or date, filter changes by author, and hide comments or hide changes. Click the button again to close the sidebar. To open the Comments & Changes sidebar, click in the toolbar, then choose Show Comments & Changes Pane. You can review and edit changes in the Comments & Changes sidebar on the left side of the Pages window.

  • If you can’t remove something from a document.
  • Restore an earlier version of a document.
  • Save a large document as a package file.
  • Export to Word, PDF, or another file format.
  • Change the look of chart text and labels.
  • Add a legend, gridlines, and other markings.
  • Change a chart from one type to another.
  • Calculate values using data in table cells.
  • how to strikethrough text word review

  • Select tables, cells, rows, and columns.
  • Fill shapes and text boxes with color or an image.
  • You can accept or reject changes in any of these ways.
  • Set pagination and line and page breaks in the review toolbar, then set the change tracking view to Markup.
  • Format hyphens, dashes, and quotation marks.
  • Format Chinese, Japanese, or Korean text.
  • Use a keyboard shortcut to apply a text style.
  • Create, rename, or delete a paragraph style.
  • In the Display for Review list, tap the option you want: All Markup (inline) shows the final document with tracked changes visible inline. Show or hide markup (Word for iPad) On the Review tab, tap the Display for Review icon.
  • Bold, italic, underline, and strikethrough Tap the control next to Track Changes to turn Track Changes on or off.
  • Select text and place the insertion point Reviewing Marked Changes (Word 97-2003) select Tools > Track Changes > Accept or Reject Changes.
  • Use VoiceOver to preview comments and track changes.
  • View formatting symbols and layout guides.
  • Intro to images, charts, and other objects.

  • How to strikethrough text word review